In less than a week, iostudio created a powerful, cost-effective video solution that tells the inspiring story of the UN Mine Action Service to a wider audience.
The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS), a division of the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), performs a job most of us can’t imagine: coordinating the clearance and limiting the threat of land mines and other explosive devices in vulnerable communities across the globe. With major internal conferences coming up in the final quarter of 2022, UNMAS wanted to create a presentation that looked back on their 20-year history and visualized their future —but they didn’t have much time and a PowerPoint wasn’t going to cut it. What they needed was a unique way to engage their audience.
The turnaround time may have been short, and the interviewees might have been scattered across the globe, but iostudio’s Video Team was certain they could tell the organization’s remarkable story through virtual chats, existing assets, supporting stock footage and licensed music. And they were certain they could do it with a runtime shorter than the suggested 20 minutes. What resulted is an uplifting yet weighty piece that features a diverse array of cultures and countries, discusses the organization’s gender parity goals and shines a light on the efforts and first-hand experiences of the UNMAS team members.
iostudio’s job was to tell the UNOPS PSC story to internal stakeholders at conference kick-offs. But when the client saw the seven-minute video we delivered, they recognized the impact it could have on a broader audience and decided to publish it on additional global platforms. In addition to praising the quality of the piece, they were blown away by its ability to capture the essence of the work they do.
The biggest challenge was minimal time for pre-production; a process that typically takes weeks or months.
Because the interview subjects live and work all over the world, speaking to them in person—even with ample time to prepare—wasn’t possible. Our team crafted a list of prompts and questions for each subject about their role, experiences, achievements and memories, and about how they view the mission and the future of the organization.

Thorough, well-planned interviewing is the key to storytelling.
It begins with asking the right questions, but it hinges on getting responses that can stand alone. Our video producers have a talent for finding the story, asking productive questions and capturing responses that propel the narrative, all while carrying on a natural, meaningful conversation. Effective interviewing skills make all the difference.
A farther reach means an expanded audience.
At first, the audience for the UNOPS project, although global, was narrow. It consisted of UN leadership and team members. The decision to make it outward-facing essentially broadened the audience to all potential or future employees.

Through strategy and creativity, iostudio’s Video Team transformed an ad hoc ask into a multipurpose marketing asset.
iostudio produced a moving tribute to the achievements of UNMAS over the last 20 years, with an emphasis on overcoming challenges such as war and COVID-19, encouraging women in leadership roles, recognizing current team members and inspiring new ones.
Whether you’re reaching new audiences or engaging your current team, iostudio can help you tell your story in an impactful way.